
The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority. — Kenneth Blanchard

Campbell Wilson


Name: Campbell Wilson
Birth Year: 1971
Age: 42
Nationality: New Zealander, Permanent Resident of Singapore
Occupation: Chief Executive Officer of Scoot

Early Life and Education

Campbell Wilson earns a Master of Commerce (1st Class Honors) in Business Administration from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand

Early Career

1996 – Joined SIA in Auckland, held a Sales and Marketing position in New Zealand and Australia
2003 – SIA head office, Network Revenue Management and Network planning department
2006 – Became the SIA’s Vice President of Canada
2008 – SIA’s General Manager, Hong Kong
2010 – SIA’s General Manager, Japan


Campbell has led a total of 326 staff and oversees four 402-seats Boeing 777-200s, with an average of 80% occupancy across its fast-growing 9 destinations. He wants to create a travel experience that is fun, engaging and value for money. As a CEO, he is responsible for creating a vision, setting direction, growth and leadership of the newest airline.

Personal Life

After completing his studies, Campbell backpacked in North America and Europe extensively before he joins SIA. Since then, he is very passionate about travelling and continues to indulge in other parts of the continent using different modes of transport. He cycled in Italy and France, rafting the Grand Canyon, walked the Great Wall of China and kayaking in New Zealand’s national parks.

Honours, Public Recognition and Milestones

LCC CEO of the Year 2013 – Campbell Wilson

Our Point of View

Type of Leader

Campbell is a people-oriented leader as he takes out time to work with his front-line employees. He was seen on Oct 8, TZ301 flying from Bangkok to Singapore. The CEO donned in Scoot T-shirt and jeans, taking orders onboard a flight and greeting passengers at the boarding gate. In this way, he could communicate with his staffs to understand what they need to provide a better working environment and at the same time providing excellent service too.

Leadership Qualities

Ms. Nicole Petersen, who was his former Singapore Airlines colleague in Vancouver where he held the position of vice-president for Canada, says:

"He takes his responsibilities very seriously and is definitely hands-on but he is not overly formal or officious and is personable, fun and open. Much like the brand image of Scoot." 

Campbell is a leader who focuses a lot about their company vision – “Scootitude”. He shares this vision to instill values in his team members. He also looks into the short-term and long-term needs of the airline. 

"My immediate task is to establish a strong management team and we will be actively recruiting to fill senior positions,” said Mr. Wilson. 

"The airline plans to eventually buy several Boeing 777-200ER planes, which can travel up to 13 hours, allowing Scoot to fly to Europe and Africa, he said. Scoot also plans next year to hire about 52 pilots, 250 flight attendants and 40 ground staff with what Wilson called "Scootitude." (Alex, 2011) 

From the above two statements, we could tell that Mr. Wilson is change sponsor as he recognize the need for change because many people are shifting towards low-budget carrier. Therefore, he has came up with operational planning to meet the shifting demand and have set a appropriate time frame for achieving it. This shows that he is well thought for the Scoot's future and plans for contingency.


Through written communication such as Facebook and AsiaOne News, he wrote a very long post to address issues such as flight delay, improve communication, and service recovery. In the AsiaOne article, he mentioned, "We'd also like to be transparent about the issues that lead to the delays, lest it clarifies your queries." In the article, he clearly explained in details the root cause of the problem, process and outcome of the situation. This implies openness and we believe he does this to regain the trust of his passengers.


AsiaOne. (2013). Scoot CEO responds to uproar over 11-hour delay . Retrieved July 3, 2013, from AsiaOne:
Dude, D. (2013). Scoot Speaks- The man with the Scootitude – our dear CEO, Campbell Wilson! Retrieved July 3, 2013, from Scoot Website:
Kennedy, A. (2013). Singapore Airlines unveils Scoot budget carrier. Retrieved July 3, 2013, from
The Straits Times. (2013). Scoot CEO Campbell Wilson sets scorching pace of growth for the budget airline, Travel and Holiday, Singapore Guides and Articles. Retrieved July 3, 2013, from STClassifieds:
Wilson, C. (2013). SIA Appoints CEO for New Low-fare Airline. Retrieved July 3, 2013, from Scoot Website:

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